Mothering to Preserve and Regain our Humanity:
a full moon, global change of heart
Futures Scenario on Sustainable Spirituality
by Vrinda (Estela Pujals)
Since the major contributors to the factors that afflict the majority of the aged, the poor, women and children locally and globally are the result of oppressive, irresponsible and short-sighted multinational corporate powers and interests that originate in the United States, this vision of a future will concentrate on calling the women and mothers first in the US as well as in all developed and developing countries to form a mothering human rights movement to cure the sick patterns of wars, stop the progression of exploitations and redirect the application of technological resources for the preservation of human life, the health of body, mind and spirit, and to reclaim human dignity for a legacy of life to be possible on this Earth. Women, as mothers of humankind, are called upon now to take all talk and actions of love, caring, home and community making to an unlimited level of responsibility beyond their personal sphere into the global arena, for a legacy of life to be possible for future generations on this planet we call Earth.
How can we achieve this? After coming out of a kind of dark ages in the middle of the 20th century, when Universities and work outside of home opened the floodgates of centuries of repression and abuses against women, the mothers and children of humanity, and women like Margaret Mead, Margaret Wheatley, Riane Eisler, Mary Catherine Bateson, Virginia Woolf, Joan Borysenko, Jean Shinoda-Bolen, Arundhati Roy and too many others to enumerate in this few pages, as well as countless woman leaders, yoginis and goddesses empowered with the sense of responsibility to speak truth to power and to confront, challenge and change the definitions of a dominator/dominated model of society into one where dignity, nurturing, caring and sharing the abundance of life and natural resources is possible by ending the madness of the destruction of man by man, it is a perfect time for the rest of us, men and women of today who love life on this Earth and the pursuit of healthy happiness to put a stop to the madness of human and natural resources exploitation and enslavement by deliberately fostering a vision of human coexistence in the hearts and minds of the developing children of this world: our children of now.
After centuries of disenfranchisement and illiteracy, enough women have reached a point of relative health in personal, academic and spiritual identity that allows us to grasp the extent of the damage that can be caused by what Sun Microsystems chief scientist Bill Joy calls, “knowledge-enabled mass destruction”…Grounded in a worldview of contempt for women and anything soft or stereotypically feminine. …The view of science is our heritage from more rigid dominator times. (Eisler, 2008).” What does this mean to women in all branches of learning now? This points out to a need to increase the attention necessary and required to foster, nurture and create a movement for mothering and parenting strategies, skills and trainings for the benefit of the waves of new generations.
Acknowledging the great strides and contributions of men and women of past generations and present times, we need to build upon their legacy to for a new legacy of life to be possible for future generations. The “invisible hands of the markets” will keep working to maintain a world of polarized masses of the destitute in resettlement camps, the millions deprived of clean water, clean air and a way of life, and the corporate CEOs, status quo world experts and leaders that thrive on the domination of the destitute—while those doomed into extinction, the more invisible heads, hands and hearts of good, everyday people may know or may not know that their misery has been planned and kept in place by international treatises, legislations, institutional hierarchies that maintain the destructive “oppositional identities” that define those confined to misery, but remain impotent to change any of this in the world and times we all share.
As women in all fields of work, study and organizations, increase their awareness of “…the invisible economic contributions of women, particularly to human capacity development (starting in childhood), which are key to economic success,” and organize making it possible to extend the building blocks of a better future world to all others who care for and educate children of all ages, the future men and women of the world, we will have a better grasp of how to collaborate in our daily life, at home towards a sustainable economy, sustainable health care, sustainable environment, sustainability of marriages, families and nations in perhaps the range of time of one or two more generations. But, in order to achieve this, we have to bring all of us into this critical mass of action and tirelessly work for a better world.
In order to extend the benefits of the accumulated knowledge of our ancestors from diverse cultures in different parts of the worlds to those who are presently involved in the gentle work of child development in schools (elementary, middle and high schools), day care centers and children entertainment programs, we need to recognize that in order to see the beginning stages of a deliberate education for a sustainable future we must devote our time and effort in unprecedented ways before implementing community, state, nationwide and global support systems for parenting and mothering resource services.
This bright new future that we envision cannot be sold to multinationals and corporate interests. First of all, creative human potential needs to be recognized as the sole and foremost value of the individual, as an ever renewable value above the adulation of the cult for money and material gains. Second, women need to be made aware of their inherent, physical and psychic ability to create, love, preserve and develop life on earth. This includes a revision of the definition, epistemology and ontology of woman identity as creatrix of human race. As such, just as a mother nurtures the tender human life of a baby growing through stages from early childhood to puberty to adolescence, she needs to have the support systems available to remind her and prepare her for the spiritual challenges and achievements that she and the community anticipate and envision.
The physical wellbeing, mental strength and spiritual expansion potential in all individuals greatly depend on the identity sustained and encouraged in early age. Therefore, the leaders of our times need to give greater attention to encouraging, supporting and enriching the spiritual and material resources of mothers who are intensely involved in nurturing and helping in the blossoming stages of our human potential.
What do we need to change? If we sit silently for a long time and ponder from where we are now and where we want to be soon, the simple trail of our wasteful habits will surface. It may sound trite and redundant here to say that we want to questions all our habits that oppose universal love, sustainability and our awareness of wasteful utilization of the resources that our less fortunate brothers and sisters in the world are sorely deprived of—like water, electricity, food, a safe home, the sound of birds and the ability to walk and sing. As we ponder on the fundamental value of the simple joys of life, and understand the need to extend this appreciation to future generations, we are better able to formulate and articulate a reasonable course of action and play plan for parenting and relating to children that completes an integral vision of a world where human potential (creativity, innovation, caring and problem solving) and natural resources abound and are valued and encouraged.
A feminist dictionary may be needed in order to rectify the centuries of ingrained misconceptions about the identity and identities of peoples from all over the world and to correct the disruptive distortion of values prevalent in our times. In an era of global economies, global markets, global private prison industrial complex, global corporate snipers hired for war and beyond the arm of international laws or the Geneva Convention, where the more powerful can kill in genocidal waves, with full impunity, it is good to ask ourselves what developmental deficiencies sustained this madness? It helps me to see this global mafia as small children, just a few decades ago. I see them sitting on their mother’s lap and being hugged wit love and to learn about love. But, what love? And I ask myself, can we see, respond and contribute to bring home the human needs, the definition of more essential and lasting values that may have not been met for our present world to happen in a more humanly fulfilling way? Perhaps, we need new definitions and the old dictionaries are not relevant anymore.
A New Identity and a New Meaning
I envision a Womankind New Unabridged Dictionary, WNUD, needs to be rapidly compiled at the same time that the masses of aging baby boomers prepare to leave a lasting statement of their legacy on this Earth. The former “flower girls and flower boys”, cannot “retire” from actively participating in social change. On the contrary, the energies that fueled the Civil Rights movement need to mobilize in the greatest human capacity building efforts ever seen in the history of humankind. But, asap, now! This can start as a no word-no ink contract floating in the air, in spiritual energy as a golden light embracing the Earth, in the hearts and minds of all, but a necessary change in our ways of relating to life in our endeavor for a sustainable future needs to take place.
In the WNUD, meaning will be more centered on spiritual values and qualities, on caring and self-fulfilling energies. This new epistemology will develop into a unifying force to influence a way of life free of the external influences that perpetuate fear of others, fear of changes and dependence on consumer obsessive-compulsive disorders commonly encouraged by the corporately supported mass media of the 20th century. The movement to support parenting and mother-child creative growth and sustainable development environments will generate a transformation in time and space perception. For example, the meaning of the words female, woman and love will change completely. According to WNUD:
female—an emerging form of creatrix in all living organisms. A Goddess agency principle that pervades all life on Earth. Dynamic and static energy from which other female as well as male forms emerge. The center of creation. Female nature: the female of all classes mates with male offspring of other females. All males cogitate with this universal principle of the female mother for reproduction of the species. Creatrix and creator.
woman—Creatrix, Goddess endowed with superhuman responsibilities, human form empowered with female qualities to bring about the emergence of male and female humans, responsible for populating Earth with humankind. Responsible also for teaching language, social, political, moral and spiritual values to humanity and for caring for the tender newborn. Woman nurtures love.
love—universal force of responsibility to sustain, create and protect self and others, with no exceptions. A feeling that can take over mind and reason when spiritual maturity is lacking, and can take over mind and reason in the presence of spiritual maturity.
When love, the greatest power on earth, and the responsibility to transmit its beneficial influence in young children everywhere on earth was relinquished, destructive forces like sons destroying mothers, children and the aged began to operate on Earth. The strategies to “divide and conquer” became the motto of armies and more recently of corporate powers. The value of women, that part of humanity endowed with a physiological and psychological predisposition to care for life, had been discredited and held hostage for centuries, but not any more. Who is in a better position than a mother to teach and give love first? Knowing that woman has the potential of transmitting a transcendent knowledge of love and caring for the three “bodies” or the three worlds to the human child: the physical field, the mental field and Spirit, allows women to recover their role as liberator and giver of enlightenment to humanity.
In spite of the dark ages of womankind, there has been an uninterrupted tradition of men who have preserved the gender transcending human potential of enlightenment for ages during times when woman identity and oppression have been rampant. But as the true nature and scope of woman potential is restored, enlightening the heart of compassion in all humanity for the preservation of life on earth will be woman´s greatest gift towards a legacy of humankind.
Chomsky, Noam, Noam Chomsky on Obama´s Public Policy and the Importance of Speaking Out, March 15, 2010. Democracy Now—the War and Peace report. Video documentary and rush transcript included:
Eisler, Riane. The Real Wealth of Nations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2008.
Jaworski, Joseph. Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future. Published by SoL, 2004.
Kotkin, Joel. The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050. The Pinguin Press, 2010.
Schwartz, Peter. The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World (1991).
The Squiggle Sense—The Sixth Sense of the Complimentary Nature
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